5 healthy habits to take into the New Year
January 07, 2022
5 minutes Read

Did you know that on average it takes 21 days to build a habit? The new year has most definitely started and we are ready to take this year by storm, but if you’re not feeling that ‘New Year New Me’ mentality, then that’s okay too. Getting back into the swing of things after Christmas can sometimes be a shock to the system, the key is to be kind to yourself, and focus on what you ‘can’ do rather than all that you seemingly ‘have’ to do!
We’ve compiled a short list of healthy habits that we think are easy to manage, have a read, who knows, you might feel inspired!

Whether you live in a flat in the middle of Dublin city or in a rural farmhouse on the coast of Mayo, we all know how important it is to get outside and get some fresh air. As children our parents would tell us to “go play outside”, however with working-from-home, the joyous cry of Netflix and the stresses of everyday life, we often forget how important it is to take time to breathe in the fresh air and be outside in the elements. Now you don’t need to run a marathon in the pouring rain to justify going outside, simply a 10 minute walk down the street can do you the world of good. Try finding something you like to do, whether it’s a Youtube dance class with the kids in the garden, joining your local jogging or hill walking group or just meeting up with a friend for a walk and a chat. If you like what you’re doing then you’re more likely to stick with it. Try 30 minutes of movement, 2-3 times a week to really feel the benefits!

Now before you think that meditating is just for Buddhist monks or hippies living on a commune, meditating is fast becoming as mainstream as drinking water or going to the gym. Meditation is the act of finding the time and space to clear your mind and achieve a still mental and physical state. There is tons of scientific evidence that shows how only a few minutes of meditation each day can reduce anxiety, improve sleep and even reduce stress. Now who wouldn’t want all that? There are loads of types of meditation you can find online, from guided meditations on Youtube, mindfulness meditation or apps such as Head Space.
We all know that helpless feeling as you try to drag yourself through the day when you’ve had a bad night’s sleep - it isn’t good for your brain, body or skin. Sleep is such a vital part of our daily needs as people and so many of us neglect this part of our schedule. Whether it’s not getting enough sleep or just not getting a peaceful night’s sleep, we could all do with a few more ZZZs. In order for your mind to function properly, we all need at least 8 hours of quality sleep. This allows our body to rest and rejuvenate from our busy lives and build up the energy to properly face the day ahead. Not to mention that your daily 8 hours also allow your skin to settle from all the outside irritants and rebuild itself when it’s at rest - that’s why they call it beauty sleep! It literally makes you more beautiful! Take it one step further by having a little pampering session before bed, we love a good Hydrating Sheet Mask or a layer of Bronze Base to help us wake up looking & feeling refreshed!
Give your makeup bag a makeover:
Don’t let the dusty crusty makeup of yesteryear hold you back from putting your best foot forward in 2022. Start this new year by clearing out the makeup products you don’t wear, that have been hanging around the bottom of your makeup bag for only-who-knows how long. Instead of throwing them out, why not send your empty Sculpted products back to us as part of our ReSculpted initiative. With ReSculpted you can send us 5 empty Sculpted products back to us, we will recycle them with Terracycle, and in exchange we will give you 200 Sculpted points that you can use towards new products, it’s the perfect way to spice up your new year's makeup bag.
Simply send us your 5 empty products with our free returns label and we will contact you when we issue your points to you. It’s as simple as can be! And for those who want to spruce up their makeup routine, try our best selling multi-purpose products such as our Full Face Edit, which gives you face, eyes & lips all in one palette, or our Cream Luxe compacts can be used on the cheeks, eyes & lips also. Less stuff = less fuss. And as an added bonus, less products take the weight out of your makeup bag so there's no need to carry around a suitcase full of products.

Get organised :
Every year we all set New Year's resolutions - to get fit, to read more, to learn to kayak, whatever it is we usually start out strong, but by the end of February our well-meaning plans are well and truly forgotten. That’s why it’s important to get organised so you can accomplish your goals without all the stress. Failing to prepare is preparing to fail! There are so many techniques you can use to help get yourself organised, but one of the best and most popular is the power of lists! Did you know that if you write down what you want to accomplish you are 42% more likely to achieve it? Whether that’s going for a run, picking the kids up on time or taking your make-up off before bed, diaries and planners are your best friend. Planning ahead is also a great way to make sure you are organised. Try setting out what you are going to wear to work the night before, or choosing what makeup look you are going to apply the day before your big night out - you might be surprised with how much you achieve!
So there are our top 5 habits we are trying to bring into 2022. We hope this is a magically Sculpted year for you all and we can’t wait to see what habits you adopt this year!
Make sure you share all the Sculpted looks with us on Instagram by tagging @sculptedbyaimee #sculptedbyaimee #filterfreefaces #astoryofsculptedchristmas
Lots of Love,
Aimee & Team xx